Clean Growth Incubator™
The Clean Growth Incubator (a product of the Center’s Renewable Energy/Smart Grid Buildout Initiative) is a multi-disciplinary approach that combines a step-by-step Platform with a targeted webinar training regimen to help local/county/tribal governments across the country build out renewable energy infrastructure from the ground up. The Clean Growth Incubator merges advanced urban planning business incubation techniques with practical advice from a myriad of experts, and the numerous topic-specific webinar training sessions help drill down on some of the more complex issues of how to evaluate, plan for and build out renewable energy infrastructure.
The Clean Growth Incubator Training Platform, which now includes - as a pivotal component - the nationwide Locally-Sourced Solar Energy and Microgrids resiliency training initiative, is designed to help cities, counties, tribal nations and impacted communities with the buildout of renewable energy in a manner that is consistent with advanced urban planning approaches, and which will be hugely successful. Local leaders that utilize aspects of the Clean Growth Incubator Platform will receive important tools to help bring projects to a “shovel ready” status in a shortened timeframe.
A major goal of the Clean Growth Incubator is to develop distributed energy-powered local infrastructure as the backbone of the sustainability-driven, crowd-based next industrial revolution that many communities want to - and need to - adopt. The Clean Growth Incubator Platform is designed to serve as a catalyst to attract lenders and high-level strategic finance and investment capital, as shovel-ready renewable energy projects begin to emerge.
Clean Growth Incubator Platform
The Clean Growth Incubator Platform is a step-by-step resource for urban planning professionals in local, county and tribal governments, and for community and environmental justice advocates. The Platform is designed to focus on disadvantaged, underserved communities, showing how focused efforts in such communities can bring about significant impacts. Local champions can use the platform as a guide for the build-out of community-tailored distributed energy-powered local infrastructure resiliency projects, utilizing proven techniques from other successful business and technology incubation projects and renewable energy infrastructure approaches.
Webinar Training Series
Launched in October 2020, the Center is hosting numerous ongoing, topic-specific webinar training sessions to help drill down on some of the more complex issues of how to evaluate, plan for and build out renewable energy infrastructure. This training series is designed to help the engineering/public works and planning departments of cities, counties and tribal nations to develop in-house renewable energy feasibility and modeling capabilities for projects within their communities.
NREL Tools Training Program
This first-of-its-kind training course provides hands-on proficiency training for the visioning and feasibility analysis of community-based solar energy and energy resiliency/microgrid projects. Through this course, you can receive personal instruction from ASU faculty and experts at NREL. This online course teaches students to be proficient at using the highly acclaimed Renewable Energy Optimization Tool (Reopt) and the System Advisor Model (SAM), developed by NREL, to vision, model and tee up solar PV/energy resiliency buildout in their communities.